Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Fruit of Holy Spirit Love

This week me and my class did fruit of the Holy Spirit I did a watermelon. My word was love.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Square Based Pyramid

Today me and my class were told to make a Square Based Pyramid
With a ruler and paper. we had to measure all the sides my one turned out well.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Peace and Joy Word Cloud

In Religious Education we have been learning about Peace and Joy. Love and kindness give me peace and joy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Peter heals lame begger

Once upon a time there was a man who was disabled and
could not walk. One day Peter and John walked by the temple.
Peter and John saw the man. The man said “Do you have
anything you could give to me?”. He put an empty cup in front
of John and Peter. Peter said “Gold and silver I don't have, but
I will give you what I have”. 
Peter said “In the name of Jesus Christ of nazareth rise up and
walk. The man started to leap around the temple.

The captain did not believe in Jesus Christ. Peter and John
went to jail overnight. The captain started asking Peter and
John questions. Peter and John were released out of jail,
because they had committed no serious crime. They were
released out of jail on the condition if they talk about Jesus
Christ again they would suffer. Peter and John were not afraid.
They knew that God was more powerful than anybody.