Thursday, December 10, 2020

Friday, December 4, 2020

Rosina's Christmas Lunch / Dinner Planning Sheet

  My Shopping List

Plan and prepare the cost sheet for a Christmas lunch or dinner for your family. You have an unlimited budget. You do not have to have a traditional meal, if you have a special cultural feast on Christmas Day.

Include all the food needed as well as the extras such as napkins, Christmas Crackers for the table, Candles, etc.

Plan a three course meal for the number of people in your Family.

  • Entree

  • Main 

  • Desert

Think about who attended Christmas lunch or dinner at your place last year. Estimate the number of family members who attend e.g. four, or ten. 

Use this website to assist you with planning your Christmas Lunch or Dinner.


Quantity needed





Fruit Salad






Chicken Drums



Sprite (Soda Cans)



Fried chips



Sweet Chili Sauce


















Ice cream











Rosina's Christmas Senses Poem


This is my christmas sense poem!!

Questions for Celebrating Christmas in Nigeria

 Please press here to view the presentation

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Christmas Acrostic Poem


Here is what I think christmas stands for!!

Waterfall Landform

 Waterfalls / References

Inside appearance

Book Landforms 

  • Types of Waterfalls

  • Features of Waterfall

Bookworms what would happen if we had no Waterfalls?

Websites used:

Science kids




Youtube facts

Did you know?

Volcanoes, earthquakes, 

and glaciers can make 

Waterfalls. Caves are also found

Under Waterfalls. 

Did You Know GIFs | Tenor

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Dear Santa,

 Dear Santa,

I haven't been the best lately. I have been talking to my friends on the mat  even though I work properly. I don't clean up my room when I am mad. I won't help my mum with chores.

But.. I promise to be kinder even though I am always kind to people and I will improve with my attitude and I will try to stay on good grades.

So please give me presents even if dont give me anything I will improve

                             From Rosina. By the way 

I would like 5 note books, gel pens, highlighters and much more.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Athletics Sports day

 I could not wait until the athletics sports day 


I was so happy when I got picked for the captain of the owairaka team. We started off with a long jump (Miss paton) We got a card that determined how many we got. there was 1 point (10 points) 2 points (20 points) 3 points wish was 30 points. On long jump we got a three. Then we went to mr tyrell and played catch the tial we onlygota 2 we went to our next rotation which was bean bag toss it was very fun we got a then we went to mrs heimuli we did the skipping races had a lot of juniors so we only got a  2 because they didn't listen. After that the bell rang!

We had our lunch and ate then we had playtime once the bell rang again we went to the library and sat in our teams and went to the next rotation with whyburd called the three legged race. Where you get a partnesand tie your left leg and the right leg and try to walk together i was partners with lysarra and we kept falling over it was so funny  we went to our next rotation which was mrs D’souza with the sag face and running race I was parnters wiht lhysarrashe went first sne fell over. 

Then it was my turn i fel;l over as well but i had a great time we got a three and went to the next rotation with miss virginia called the egg and spoon race we had to go into two groups we had to make a train and the first group to put the egg on the cone wins the group i was in wonwe had a group picture we got three. In total we had 210 points once we finished the rotation the nell rang we had our food had play time after that it was time for races first it started off with juniori don't remember who won i think tiare got second. Then it was the year 4’s sturn jia got first.than it was the year 5 trelia  got first sharoin  got second and I (Rosina) got third year six came the year 8 at the time there was only one person in the year when they came first.

It was time for tug of war first it was puketapapa VS te tatua puketapapa won then it was maungawhau vs owairaka My team won and we also won every round we were in in total for the points te atua came forth owari came third pukete papa was second and maungawhau was first after that we went home for the next day

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



Thursday, November 19, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

Koru Art


What have you accomplished?

I have accomplished finishing my art in a certain amount of time.

What did you find challenging?

Gluing the black paper on my pastel koru was sticky and the glue went everywhere. 

Who helped you with your artwork?

No one besides me                                                                                               

What are you most pleased with?

       Every single element of my art piece. The pastel blending I did

 What would you do differently?


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Friday, October 16, 2020

Love and Service Word Clould


   This week me and my class (Room 1) are doing Love and Service word Cloud poster

                                                     Here is mine

Thursday, September 17, 2020



                             This my poster on Eucharist/The Church. Hope you like it!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Film Festival: Happiness Movie (Practice)


This movie features Trelia,Rosina,Lyrissa,ken p,Dwight and ken f.
we hope you enjoy this movie. 
This movie was a practice run and made with one of the school ipads.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Rosina's Tivaevae Patterns Description

This is my Tivaevae Mat. 

I used 2 Different Coloured Paper,a pencil, and some scissors

I am pleased with my Tivaevae Mat because I put all my Effort in it and it turned out  how I wanted it to be and i'm proud of myself 

I found this Task Fun because I made my Tivaevae mat by making a Square paper than  drawing your  the fold in into halves,fourths,eighths your choice than cut out my design and there you go a Tivaevae

Monday, August 3, 2020


On Thursday a person called Sarah came to teach us about storm water and wastewater. She was super nice. We were going to do some experiments outside but we had people playing outside. While we were waiting she showed us a slideshow to teach us about the olden days and how people used chamber pots. They use these pretty big pots where you do your business and slide it under your bed. Sometimes it makes your room smelly. If you were in a hotel or an apartment a chambermaid was paid to come and chuck the sewage in the river in the morning. If you lived in a home you would have a shed outside that was for you to do your business in. They also had chamber pots to use, then these people with horses would come and you pay them to take your poo and wees away or some people just threw it out outside.

After that we went outside to do an experiment. We had to try to build mountains using rocks.  Sarah told us not to make them too high otherwise they would fall down. Once we built them we had to put a clear sheet over it to see how many rivers would form. People guessed there would be about three or more rivers but there was much more than that.

When we came back inside Sarah was taught us what not to put in a storm water drain. She said the drain known as the storm water drain does not get treated at all. The water goes straight to the sea. 

Then she demonstrated an experiment to us. 

She added oil and put it in a small container of water and didn't mix at all. She did that for gas oil, paint, dish soap, and food waste. She told us not to put these things down a drain because it won't get treated or could block the drain or pipes.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Vocation Poster

Last week my class have been learning about Vocations. A vocation is a calling from God to follow your destiny.
Here is my poster. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Matariki Poster

                    Last week my Teacher taught us about Matariki. My class did a dictogloss on                              the last week of term. We had to use our words and make them into a poster.
                                                     Here is my poster.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Yeast Balloon Experience

 Last Tuesday my teacher showed us an experiment called yeast balloon. Here are my instructions for doing this experiment

Monday, June 29, 2020

Rosina and Trelia Water Cycle Prezi Presentation

Last week  Rosina and Trelia was doing a prezi Presentation about Water Cycle.
We have questions about does water have vitamins and so much more.
Click Here to see the presentation

Friday, June 19, 2020

How to make a masu box (Origami)


                                            How to make a Masu box

Thursday, June 18, 2020

MY Digital Portrait

Today I did this self portrait of Myself I had to take a photograph of myself and traced it. This is how it turned out to be. I hope you like it.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Promises That Jesus made.

This week me and my class were learning about the promises that Jesus made through the Holy Spirit. He made promised through the Church, Word of God and the seven sacraments. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Dams information report.

A dam blocks the flow of water. Lakes must pass around or through barriers.
Dams are built across streams, rivers and estuaries. They are there to
prevent floods.

Dams are built to retain water. The water can be used for fishing,
and can prevent flood waters from over flowing. Dams are also assist
with generating hydro power into our homes.

Water Care operates fourteen reservoirs, five located in the Waitakere Ranges, two near Helensville and four located at the Hunua Ranges.

The Dams supply 80 percent of Auckland's water. After World  War 2. Dams
were made with earth and rocks.The Dams receive 1.8 metres of rain fall
each year.
In the Waitakere Ranges there are 5 dams, 3 concrete dams and 2 earth dams. The Waitakere Ranges only gives 20 percent of water.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Fruit of Holy Spirit Love

This week me and my class did fruit of the Holy Spirit I did a watermelon. My word was love.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Square Based Pyramid

Today me and my class were told to make a Square Based Pyramid
With a ruler and paper. we had to measure all the sides my one turned out well.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Peace and Joy Word Cloud

In Religious Education we have been learning about Peace and Joy. Love and kindness give me peace and joy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Peter heals lame begger

Once upon a time there was a man who was disabled and
could not walk. One day Peter and John walked by the temple.
Peter and John saw the man. The man said “Do you have
anything you could give to me?”. He put an empty cup in front
of John and Peter. Peter said “Gold and silver I don't have, but
I will give you what I have”. 
Peter said “In the name of Jesus Christ of nazareth rise up and
walk. The man started to leap around the temple.

The captain did not believe in Jesus Christ. Peter and John
went to jail overnight. The captain started asking Peter and
John questions. Peter and John were released out of jail,
because they had committed no serious crime. They were
released out of jail on the condition if they talk about Jesus
Christ again they would suffer. Peter and John were not afraid.
They knew that God was more powerful than anybody.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mary Mackillop

My Class and I have been learning about Mary Mackillop Here is all the facts about here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Blog Profile

Hello, my name is Rosina. I go to Christ the King School and I am in Year five. I am from Ghana. In my family I have a Mum, a Dad I have three sisters Florence, Zaneta and Pamela. I also have one brother called Kofi.

I am good at Writing and Maths. I enjoy PE and art. One of my challenges is learning all of the division facts. My goal for this year is getting all my work done before it’s due. I am looking forward to being at top level at the end of the year. If do something wrong I will learn from it. My Dad, inspires me to be the person that I am. Last year I got a certificate for my beautiful indigenous culture.

Friday, February 28, 2020

The Treaty of Waitangi

                           Wednesday february 26

A Treaty is a formally written document/contract. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed on 6th February 1840. 40 chiefs wrote the treaty. William Hobson's son translated the Treaty into Maori. 500 Maori people including 30 women signed but 39 did not. British settlers were involved and Europeans signed the treaty too.