Monday, August 24, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Rosina's Tivaevae Patterns Description
This is my Tivaevae Mat.
I used 2 Different Coloured Paper,a pencil, and some scissors
I am pleased with my Tivaevae Mat because I put all my Effort in it and it turned out how I wanted it to be and i'm proud of myself
I found this Task Fun because I made my Tivaevae mat by making a Square paper than drawing your the fold in into halves,fourths,eighths your choice than cut out my design and there you go a Tivaevae
Monday, August 3, 2020
On Thursday a person called Sarah came to teach us about storm water and wastewater. She was super nice. We were going to do some experiments outside but we had people playing outside. While we were waiting she showed us a slideshow to teach us about the olden days and how people used chamber pots. They use these pretty big pots where you do your business and slide it under your bed. Sometimes it makes your room smelly. If you were in a hotel or an apartment a chambermaid was paid to come and chuck the sewage in the river in the morning. If you lived in a home you would have a shed outside that was for you to do your business in. They also had chamber pots to use, then these people with horses would come and you pay them to take your poo and wees away or some people just threw it out outside.
After that we went outside to do an experiment. We had to try to build mountains using rocks. Sarah told us not to make them too high otherwise they would fall down. Once we built them we had to put a clear sheet over it to see how many rivers would form. People guessed there would be about three or more rivers but there was much more than that.
When we came back inside Sarah was taught us what not to put in a storm water drain. She said the drain known as the storm water drain does not get treated at all. The water goes straight to the sea.
Then she demonstrated an experiment to us.
She added oil and put it in a small container of water and didn't mix at all. She did that for gas oil, paint, dish soap, and food waste. She told us not to put these things down a drain because it won't get treated or could block the drain or pipes.