Friday, November 27, 2020

Athletics Sports day

 I could not wait until the athletics sports day 


I was so happy when I got picked for the captain of the owairaka team. We started off with a long jump (Miss paton) We got a card that determined how many we got. there was 1 point (10 points) 2 points (20 points) 3 points wish was 30 points. On long jump we got a three. Then we went to mr tyrell and played catch the tial we onlygota 2 we went to our next rotation which was bean bag toss it was very fun we got a then we went to mrs heimuli we did the skipping races had a lot of juniors so we only got a  2 because they didn't listen. After that the bell rang!

We had our lunch and ate then we had playtime once the bell rang again we went to the library and sat in our teams and went to the next rotation with whyburd called the three legged race. Where you get a partnesand tie your left leg and the right leg and try to walk together i was partners with lysarra and we kept falling over it was so funny  we went to our next rotation which was mrs D’souza with the sag face and running race I was parnters wiht lhysarrashe went first sne fell over. 

Then it was my turn i fel;l over as well but i had a great time we got a three and went to the next rotation with miss virginia called the egg and spoon race we had to go into two groups we had to make a train and the first group to put the egg on the cone wins the group i was in wonwe had a group picture we got three. In total we had 210 points once we finished the rotation the nell rang we had our food had play time after that it was time for races first it started off with juniori don't remember who won i think tiare got second. Then it was the year 4’s sturn jia got first.than it was the year 5 trelia  got first sharoin  got second and I (Rosina) got third year six came the year 8 at the time there was only one person in the year when they came first.

It was time for tug of war first it was puketapapa VS te tatua puketapapa won then it was maungawhau vs owairaka My team won and we also won every round we were in in total for the points te atua came forth owari came third pukete papa was second and maungawhau was first after that we went home for the next day

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



Thursday, November 19, 2020